November 2017
Singapore Senatus: A new Curia in Kuching is in the course of formation and a new Indonesian praesidium has been formed in the Senatus. Curia and praesidia reports included home visitation to 28 apartment blocks, attending wakes and funerals, visiting the homes of the sick and house bound, leading home and outdoor Rosaries in May and October, visiting elderly residents and Nuns, also helping at meal times. Terciary Curia is preparing a book barrow for the new academic year. Junior Curiae members help class mates who are being bullied.
Hong Kong Comitium: Two Curiae presented reports in March and six praesidia in April, May and June. Works reported include: prison visits; catechumen classes; visits to the elderly in their homes; leading prayer groups; helping in a Pastoral Care Centre in a Catholic hospital; parish outdoor evangelisation; reaching out to the poor, lonely and homeless; officering junior Legion praesidia; crowd and personal contact; running Retreats, plus a variety of other activities.
Osaka Senatus: Tokyo Regia has 255 active members and 643 auxiliaries. Their Rosary Circle has had 55 meetings since starting two years ago. The meetings start with the Rosary, followed by Bible-reading and sharing. In April they issued a new pamphlet, ‘Prayer and Action Legio Mariae’ for recruiting and extension.
Yokahama Comitium has a new Spiritual Director, Rev Fr. Hamada. In June a new Taiwan praesidium was started. Vietnamese and Filipino praesidia are planned.
Nagasaki Regia: The council has 174 active and 318 auxiliary members. The main works of praesidia include: visiting to pray with and encourage people in hospitals and nursing homes; visiting people with various problems in their homes.
Seoul Senatus: East Seoul Regia has 7,421 active members, including 63 young adults and 71 juniors; they have 7,818 auxiliaries and 257 Adjutorians. Meetings were held with Comitia Presidents and they had several officership education sessions. Reports on work showed 2,590 persons enrolled in the RCIA classes, 1,878 Baptisms, including 37 who had completed the RCIA course. Visitation of lapsed Catholics resulted in 2,243 receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Gwangiu Senatus: A group of 42 legionaries from Gwangiu Senatus attended the September meeting of Concilium in Dublin; they had a meeting with Concilium Officers and made a visit to the grave of Frank Duff. Reports show 814 catechumens recruited and 54 baptised. Visitation of the lapsed resulted in 153 returns to the Sacraments. Hospitals and welfare facilities were visited, as were sick people. A novel work undertaken was traffic control at Sunday Masses.
Daegu Senatus: The 60th Anniversary of the Legion in Daegu was celebrated with a series of events. Andong Regia reported 129 active members and 52 auxiliaries recruited. A Curia in Daegu University reported 9 catechumens recruited and 7 returns to the Sacraments.
Kuala Lumpor Regia: A Filipino praesidium has 23 active members, including 5 probationers and 9 auxiliaries. The members visit orphanages, leprosy centres, a hospital and a nursing home. Three members conducted a class for migrants. A praesidium with 17 active members and 12 auxiliaries help out at funeral services for Catholics and non-Catholics. Four members teach catechism. In June the Regia purchased 24 Vexilla from Singapore. Bro. Simon Phun, President of the Regia attended the August meeting of Concilium.
Taiwan Senatus: Through the Master and Apprentice system, a praesidium set up for the Aboriginal people is doing various works. Four elderly ladies in a care home were baptised through the work of the Legion. Efforts are being made to extend the Legion into all parishes and 8 new praesidia were established in the last year, including 2 junior praesidia. Legionaries promote auxiliary, praetorian and adjutorian membership and the large numbers of these grades reflect their efforts.
Jakarta Senatus: The sick are visited, including children suffering from cancer. Legionaries also attend to the dying. A Comitium is being set up in Palangkaraya (Borneo), also a new Curia.
Malang Senatus: Visitation of councils is on-going. Works include visitation of prisons and hospitals, instruction in the faith to disabled people and drug addicts, also encouraging Mass-going and preparing adults for Baptism.
Petrinja Comitium: The council is helping two attached Curiae with efforts at extension into 16 parishes. Sisak North Curia has 6 praesidia with 41 members, including 6 Praetorians. They have 160 auxiliaries (3 are Adjutorians). Homes and nursing homes are visited. They promote Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, set up a prayer group and organised for the Rosary to be recited in a Soup Kitchen. Two praesidia reported that a number of members have moved elsewhere to live and recruiting and retaining membership is difficult. Results of work include: 16 people returned to Confession, and 2 returned to the faith. They are looking after 14 prayer groups. 40 attended a Kana Fest (mixture of spirituality and fun) for juniors.
Zagreb Regia: A new Curia is in formation for Zabreb East. Nine praesidia presented their Annual Reports. There were numerous returns to the Sacraments and anointing of the sick. One praesidium doing home, hospital and nursing home visitation enrolled 19 new auxiliaries. A new Comitium in Split has two Curiae attached, which cover the territory of Split-Markarsha Metropolis. Two new praesidia were set up.
Zadar Comitium reported one Baptism and many returns to the Sacraments.
Osijek Comitium has plans to for extension in the towns of Dakovo and Pozega. Curiae reports included Patricians, Nazareth groups, new auxiliaries, extension to new parishes, and marriage validations.
Sarajevo Curia: The affiliated 7 praesidia are visited regularly. Five new auxiliary members were recruited. Two returns to the Sacraments were reported, one after a long period. Extension efforts were made in the town of Telsik.
A praesidium in Grosuplje has 6 members and 440 auxiliaries. They visit homes and do street apostolate. 257 people received Confession and Holy Communion, 5 of these after a long time.
Riga Comitium: 40 legionaries attended the Annual Retreat. Works undertaken are mainly home visitation and street contact. All praesidia are visited. Rezekene Curia: At the Annual Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Algona in June the Curia set up an Information Stand, handing out leaflets and promoting the cause of Frank Duff. The Stand attracted a large number of people. A praesidium with 6 members reported instructing children for First Holy Communion.
Mother of Mercy Curia: (Vilnius Archdiocese). The Comfort of Sinners praesidium of St. Vincent’s Parish reported that 13 children and a teenager were prepared for First Holy Communion. Comfort of Afflicted praesidium has 12 active members and 366 auxiliaries. 400 families and 70 auxiliaries were visited and 100 patients were visited in hospital. Legionaries arranged for a priest to visit and give the Sacraments to 10 sick people in their homes.
Immaculata Conception Curia: Four new praesidia were established over a four-month period and as a result this Curia now has 9 praesidia; all 4 new praesidia are being helped by nearby praesidia.
Queen of Peace Curia: A monthly discussion meeting has an attendance of 20 parishioners. Monthly prayer and adoration for young people attracts 10-14 on average. Visitation of praesidia was mentioned in all Minutes.
Telsiai Comitium: Three senior praesidia and one youth praesidium reported. Works include: home, hospital and nursing home visitation; public Rosaries. Three people returned to the Sacraments after 52, 44 and 35 years. A youth praesidium sings in the choir, and visits hospital with senior legionaries.
Warsaw Prague Comitium: Praesidia do home visitation where they meet the sick, lonely and also neglected people with addictions. Sisters from many praesidia look after Churches and Hospital Chapels, organise Rosaries in Churches and take care of Rosary Circles which are attended by many children and their parents.
Metro Comitium: Reports were received from 2 praesidia with 11 and 8 active members, plus 25 and 7 auxiliaries; both praesidia are established over 30 years. The attached Curia of Zoliborz undertook extension to St. Luke’s Parish at Woli. PPC to Slovakia was discussed. The Legion Pilgrimage to Czestochowa had over 5,000 participants from all over Poland.
Minsk Comitium: Serious efforts at extension were made during the summer months. Follow-up visits are to be made. Praesidia reports indicate a very solid apostolate, including instructing children for First Holy Communion, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, speaking with female prisoners, bringing the priest to the sick and elderly and visiting a shelter for the homeless and elderly. A former Communist Party activist, not baptised and with no belief in God was, after much perseverance and prayer by legionaries baptised into the Catholic Church.
Austrian Senatus approved the updating of its Websites Homepage. It organised PPC projects to Paris, Bad Godesberg (near Bonn) and Hamburg. A Curia in Vienna had 25 on their Pilgrimage and undertook park apostolate. Another Curia visited the Refugee home in Nussdorf. Croatian Curia recruited 15 auxiliary members through Pilgrim statue visitation. Brengenz Curia officers had a fruitful meeting with their Bishop. Salzburg Curia: A lapsed woman returned to the faith through home visitation.
Linz Comitium: 30 attended their Retreat
Muehlviertal Comitium: 110 attended their Pilgrimage to Maria Puchheim, and 60 attended a Retreat.
Graz Comitium: 45 attended their Acies, 67 attended a Retreat and 15 went on a Pilgrimage to Salzburg.
Klagenfurt Comitium: Six people returned to the Church through home visitation. Middle Burgenland Curia operated a book barrow on the market day in Oberwart. Curia Amstetten,
Ybbs Comitium has 10 Nazareth groups.
The possibility of a Senatus in Kiev is under consideration.
Zseliz Comitium: A man returned to the faith after a long lapse. Komarom Curia led the Rosary on Radio Maria and Kolon Curia recruited 5 new members. Curia Trnava produced a second edition of the Slovakian Regina Legionis. Moldova. Chisinau Curia: 80 attended their Acies.
The Senatus plan to visit the praesidia with the view to stressing the importance of substantial active work; some may be advised to become prayer groups. They plan to visit the Bishop and discuss the different roles of Neo-catechumens and the Legion.
Following the visitation of praesidia by the Senatus earlier this year, a training weekend was held for officers in Iasi.
Budapest Regia: Works mainly feature visitation of the sick and elderly in hospitals and nursing homes and helping them to receive the Sacraments. Kistaresa Curia has 2 youth groups, and looks after the Catholic Club for physically and mentally handicapped people and young people leaving state care. As a follow up to a visit by the Senatus of Austria to Budapest Regia, the latter council is arranging the printing in Hungarian of Frank Duff’s booklet “Can we be saints?”
Dromore Comitium: A reporting praesidium in Newry visits nursing homes and a hospital and promotes weekly Adoration.
Navan Comitium: The works of Kells praesidium include home and Fatima statue visitation and a monthly public Rosary. Trim Curia: On ‘Graves’ Sunday members of Ashbourne praesidium organise Masses for the Polish, Lithuanian and Indian communities in the parish. A praesidium in Mullingar Curia has 5 members, 31 auxiliaries and one Adjutorian. They had 5 visitors to the meeting during the year. Some excellent contacts were made during street contact with a four- foot statue of Our Lady in various locations in the town. Almost 300 homes were visited.
Derry Comitium: Most of the work of one praesidium involves visiting residential homes, street contact with people who have drinking problems, and the homeless. The 6 members of another praesidium with 40 auxiliaries reported having Protestants reciting the Rosary and receiving the statue of Our Lady. A men’s praesidium visits the local psychiatric hospital where they talk and listen to people with drink, drug and other problems. Two more people joined from the recent recruiting drive in Creggan. Inishown Curia has 9 attached praesidia. Two praesidia recruited 2 new members each and one praesidium recruited 4 new members.
Raphoe Comitium: Creeslough praesidium undertakes home and nursing home visitation and has a junior praesidium with 4 members. South West Raphoe Curia intends doing extension in Dungloe.
Leitrim Curia: A junior praesidium has 12 children and 2 parents of the children attending. They make Rosary beads, string Miraculous Medals and helped with the Novena for Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s Feast in July. Some members serve at Mass and the older juniors attend the Patrician meetings and have presented topic-papers for discussion. A senior praesidium has 9 members and 50 auxiliaries. Works include home, hospital and nursing home visitation. One man said he had lived there for 37 years and it was the first time Catholics had visited although he had many visits from Jehovah Witnesses. An average of 10 attended their Patrician meetings.
Clogher Curia: Esker praesidium has been re-started. Reporting praesidia have 8 and 4 members and 15 auxiliaries. One of these praesidia during home visitation meet many non-nationals who are given times of Masses. More and more non-Catholics are being met. One such woman invited the legionaries in and said she still had the Miraculous Medal she was given in the past.
Kilmore Curia: August minutes said they were preparing for the Knock Pilgrimage with a bus booked and posters in Churches.
Clonmacnoise Curia: There are 3 praesidia attached and a total of 25 members. Retired legionaries are visited and most of them become auxiliaries. At the Annual Patterns Day 11 legionaries spoke to a lot of people and handed out packs of Miraculous Medals and prayer leaflets for the three Causes.
Drogheda Curia: (Archdiocese of Armagh). Collon praesidium offers the Fatima statue to families during home visitation. They gave a talk on the Miraculous Medal and Our Lady in Collon Primary school and distributed Medals and Rosaries to the First Communion and Confirmation children. A coffee morning was held for auxiliaries. The Legion had many visitors at a stand on Open Day in Mosney, which has over 700 residents of about 35 nationalities. There was a commemoration of the former Envoy, Kathleen Allen, at her grave before the June Curia meeting.
Dundalk Curia: A praesidium with 5 members leaves a statue of Our Lady in homes for 2 or 3 weeks; they also look after the altar linen in the Church and visit 3 nursing homes. A Maria et Patria Project took place in Faughart parish with 33 legionaries taking part. Home visitation throughout the parish was done with many fruitful contacts and some active and auxiliary members recruited.
Annunciata Curia: (Diocese of Down & Connor) The Morning Star members have introduced All Night Vigils on a regular basis. A boy’s praesidium has been set up in the Hostel; the boys help with chores under the supervision of the senior legionaries. The Curia has regular recruiting drives in several parishes and it is hoped to soon start a praesidium in the Twinbrook area of Belfast. A major clean-up has been done on Frank Duff house with many legionaries lending a hand. The Comitium was re-launched on the 7th October with Mass in St. Theresa’s Church, Somerton Road; legionaries from Down and Mid Antrim Curiae and 5 representatives from the Concilium were present. Regina Coeli Hostel has 13 Sisters in the praesidium whose main work is contacting the residents on spiritual matters and they assist with serving of evening meals.
Down Curia: Kilkeel praesidium has 6 members. Home visitation is the main work, but residential homes and schools are also visited. Baptismal visits are undertaken to the homes of new parents.
North and Mid Antrim Curia: Portrush praesidium has 7 members and 30 auxiliaries. They organise weekly Adoration and do Pilgrim statue visitation. Portstewart praesidium has 9 members and 80 auxiliaries. They have 19 members in their junior praesidium. Weekly prison visitation is carried out. Colraine praesidium has 30 auxiliaries. All 3 praesidia participate in inter-denominational events.
Armagh Curia is in the process of setting up praesidia at Coalisland and Ballygawley, with members appointed to speak at Masses.
Assumpta Curia: A praesidium with 5 members does home visitation, sells Catholic newspapers and organises a monthly meeting to promote the Cause of Frank Duff. Blessed ashes were brought to the housebound on Ash Wednesday. The new praesidium in one parish is attended by two parishioners and supported by four members from another parish. A Mass for Venerable Edel Quinn took place in Clarendon Street.
Mater Ecclesiae Curia A praesidium of 9 members and 20 auxiliaries organises a weekly public Rosary, does Pilgrim statue visitation and visits two nursing homes. Two new members were gained during the year. Legionaries arranged for the setting up of two cribs at Christmas in two shopping centres in Dun Laoghaire. Two members do a weekly outreach to homeless people offering spiritual support, Miraculous Medals and Green Scapulars. Sacred Heart pictures were presented to families in local Traveller Halting Sites. A Patrician meeting took place with an attendance of 23.
Our Lady of Fatima Curia: 80 pilgrims travelled on the Annual Pilgrimage to Knock. A praesidium of 4 active, 6 auxiliaries and 1 Adjutorian member promote Irish Catholic newspapers at weekend Masses. Miraculous Medals and leaflets were distributed at a book barrow at the Annual Maritime Festival. A weekly Rosary took place in a cemetery in November and monthly prayer meetings for the Cause of Frank Duff are held in Arklow.
Ancilla Domini Curia A praesidium of 5 members has 44 auxiliaries, 31 probationary auxiliaries and 1 Adjutorian on roll. They distribute 76 Maria Legionis quarterly, organise Eucharistic Adoration, do home visitation and organise Patrician meetings. A new praesidium, Our Lady of Victories, was affiliated to the Curia. 7 Catholics and 3 non-Catholics attended the Pauline Circle; the topic-paper was on the Blessed Eucharist. The Curia discussed ideas and apostolate in preparation for the World Meeting of Families 2018. 60 people visited Myra House on Culture Night and approximately 250 people attended a Vigil to celebrate the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Legion of Mary.
Immaculata Curia: 100 pilgrims, including 10 children, took part in the Annual Knock Pilgrimage. Legionaries met many young people on the streets, in shops and bars while promoting the Catholic Young Adults Conference. 4 legionaries took part in an Exploratio project to one parish. A praesidium of 6 active members with 20 auxiliaries undertakes home visitation and street contact. A public Rosary was held weekly in May in two areas of the parish. 9 legionaries and 11 patricians attended 3 Patrician meetings.
Spouse of the Holy Spirit Curia: 12 people attended the monthly Edel Quinn prayer meeting, while 4 people attended the monthly Frank Duff prayer meeting. Members of a praesidium in one parish recite the Rosary weekly in a nursing home and accompany 2 wheelchair-bound parishioners to Mass each week. Rosary beads and leaflets were presented to First Holy Communion children and home visitation is undertaken in the parish.
Gloriosa Curia: A praesidium which has 100 auxiliaries, prepared 11 children for Baptism. They also organised a weekly Holy Hour for the protection of life and lead prayer before and after daily Mass. Contact work at Christmas and Easter focused on inviting people to avail of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Efforts to establish a praesidium in another area are on-going. Home visitation, Pilgrim statue, street contact, book barrow apostolate and a ‘pray-on-the-spot’ initiative with people are among the works undertaken by another praesidium.
Benedicta Curia: Legionaries promote active and auxiliary membership while visiting homes with the Maria Legionis magazine. Junior legionaries invited parishioners to Knock Shrine and undertook to read Frank Duff’s writings about the first Legion envoys. A recruiting report is taken from each praesidium at the Curia meeting; 50 efforts were reported in August with one visitor to a meeting.
Annunciata Curia: A praesidium of 12 active members has 10 Praetorians, and 5 Adjutorians. Legionaries carry out an apostolate to women caught up in prostitution and also visit those who, though no longer involved in prostitution, are still very much in need of spiritual help. A critically-ill lady with no known family was visited several times by legionaries and, despite having previously reacted badly on mention of prayer or a visit from a priest, received the Last Rites before she died. There were 4 visitors to the meeting during the year. 13 Patricians and 4 legionaries took part in 2 Patrician meetings. 18 people were invested in the Brown Scapular. A Rosary procession took place in May and an auxiliary rally was also held.
Senatus of Butembo: 16 Comitia and 3 Regia gave reports in June, July, August, and September. A new Comitium was set up in Bunia, Kasengi Chomia in May. Another was planned for July in Nia-Nia, Diocese of Wamba. Works: 476 children baptised; 216 children taught prayers; 54 people returned to Confession and 5 to Mass attendance; 92 marriages blessed and 53 reconciled; elderly, sick, widows and orphans visited; 40 converts from Protestantism; 28 alcoholics counseled; the sick visited and home Rosaries said; two men and one woman gave up concubinage; three teachers joined the Legion and 3 new praesidia were set up. In Butembo a Mass was offered by the Vicar General attended by legionaries from 9 parishes. Another Mass was offered by his delegate on 96th Anniversary of the Legion. Members were asked to remember 3 deceased Archbishops (Mgr. Emmanuel Kataliko, Mgr. Charles Mbogha and Mgr. Christophe Muzighirwa) RIP who had all died in October.
Projects organised by the Senatus: On 13th and 24th July they had a training session for young legionaries. The themes included: 1. True Devotion to the Virgin Mary and the Teaching of the Legion. 2. How to prepare for Marriage. 150 took part from 56 parishes. Five priests who were legionaries from their youth took part, one a Professor at an institute. It finished with a Mass. The news of 2 more priests being kidnapped at 9p.m on 15th July was received at July meeting. Four men have been arrested but the whereabouts of priests is still unknown. Prayers are asked from all legionaries for their safety and for peace in the region.
Senatus of Bukavu: The new Senatus Officers who were ratified by Concilium in June now have a new Spiritual Director, Abbe Jean-Marie Mushagalusa. Activities: Apostolate in the prisons of Bukavu and also of Kabare, visitation to the sick in hospitals and of the elderly. The Senatus does not receive any reports from the Regia of Shabumda and its affiliated councils. Communication has become difficult because of the presence of groups of armed men in that zone. It’s the same situation with the Comitium of Uvira. The Regia of Goma which is less affected is working normally. The poverty of the population, due to the lack of work and the insecurity which reigns in the countryside, makes all agricultural work impossible, which in turn, reduces the activities of the Legion. In spite of these difficulties, the new Senatus is placing its trust in our Lady, determined to accomplish its mission.
Kisangani Senatus: The Senatus visits distant councils (2 councils per month) for training purposes. Reports include: Visits to the sick in hospitals and at home; 428 visits to hospices; 43 babies, youths and adults baptised; 354 new members; 350 returned to the Legion; 39 families reconciled; 71 couples married in Church.
Kananga Senatus: Because of the troubles in Kasai region, the Senatus has only 50-60 members present from its many councils. The Archbishop gives credit to the humble and prayerful work of the Legion, which is the only movement of evangelisation in the region. Works: Visitation to 608 people; 115 orphan children helped; 152 youths visited in family homes; 42 religious marriages; 33 young people and 32 adults baptised. A new junior Comitium called Mary Mother of Hope has 4 Curiae and 188 junior members. Since the beginning of this year, 3 Curia Officers and 4 praesidium members have lost their lives in the troubles. Recently a young female legionary was shot dead by the military.
Lubumbashi Senatus: In an extension initiative 18 parishes were visited by a total of 417 legionaries.
Mauritius Regia: Meetings are held in the Parish Hall of Sainte Helene, in Curepipe with Spiritual Director Pere Robert Dalais usually present. The Regia includes 2 Comitia, 4 senior Curiae and one junior Curia. Formation of senior and junior legionaries is high on their Agenda. They marked the Centenary of our Lady of Fatima with a Mass in Rose Hill. On the second of September, an Anniversary Mass was celebrated in the Church of Sainte Croix to mark 77 years of the Legion in Mauritius, all returning to the beach afterwards for some refreshments! They mention the recent death of Bro. Patrick Peres, a prominent legionary, R.I.P.
Senatus of Kigali: A meeting was organised in Kigali during the week-end of 28th - 30th July for Officers looking after the Secondary and Third Level school praesidia. Around 400 Officers took part. On the 21st August the Senatus of Kigali also organised a meeting for the Spiritual Directors in Rwanda. 84 priests attended as well as the Senatus Officers. Among the points discussed was the role of the Legion of Mary, its activities in the different Dioceses as well as on national level. The meeting concluded with the wish to see a Regia established in the Diocese of Cyangugu, situated in the South-West of Rwanda. Rwanda has 27170 juniors, over 7,800 at secondary/third level and nearly 95,000 senior legionaries.
BURUNDI: A Congress was organised by the Senatus for Secondary School pupils.
Buenos Aires Senatus: A group of legionaries accompanied Sister Irene Sauer during her illness and were present at her funeral. May she rest in peace. Within the last few days the members of the Alfie Lambe committee, which was headed by the late Sister Irene, have been invited to a meeting at the Episcopal Conference of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires. These meetings discuss the many Argentinean causes for beatification.
Salta Senatus: Sister Ayelen Vargas has just returned to Salta after her studies in Madrid. She gave an excellent report on her Legion experiences both in Madrid and Dublin with the hope that many other legionaries will do the same. Senatus Minutes and reports arrive punctually. Apart from this, many of the Senatus Officers send letters requesting Legion information on different matters. The junior legionaries go on a Summer Camp. This is well organised and is like an open air Retreat.
Corrientes Regia: A Curia reported visiting four apartment blocks in a suburb, and a praesidium is in formation as a result. Legionaries visited the women’s prison and went into the schools in June to promote the Sacred Heart. In the Central Market they prayed the Rosary in the morning and had a Mass said in the afternoon.
Rosario Regia: Elections for the offices of President and Secretary were announced.
Belo Horizonte Senatus: A Curia in Santa Barbara reported legionaries helping four people who had started to participate in the sects, to return to attendance at Sunday Mass. Legionaries in the Regia of Uberlândia work among gypsies and displaced persons. Reports from councils show many visits to homes and prisons and preparation of children and adults for the Sacraments.
Fortaleza Senatus: One Curia reported over a three month period, 9,132 home visits, 40 visits to young people in trouble with the law, and 865 visits to hospitals. Ten adults were prepared for Confirmation and five couples were married in Church.
Ponta Grossa Senatus: Five new junior praesidia were set up. Legionaries made visits to 710 families of other religions, 421 elderly their homes, 1,728 patients in hospitals and 706 elderly in nursing homes. They distributed 1,324 Holy Communions to patients in hospitals and 2,658 Communions to patients in nursing homes, made 24 visits to prisons and guided 449 Bible meetings. They also made 30 visits to industrial companies accompanied by Missionary Fathers.
Recife Senatus: An Exploratio Pro Christo project took place to the apartments of a wealthy seaside suburb. A Comitum in Ribeirão held a Retreat which focused on the True Devotion to Mary. In the town of Timbuaba 4.500 houses were visited while in Nazare 61 members were recruited. A biography on Alfie Lambe was published. One Curia organised a Marian exposition with a display of titles of Our Lady.
Rio de Janeiro Senatus: Niteroi Regia reported four new praesidia and a Curia set up. Contact with street people resulted in a prostitute giving up her way of life. Pilgrim statue visitation takes place to shops and homes in the Leme suburb of Rio. Religious material is distributed at the Central Bus Station where contact is made with young homosexuals. As part of True Devotion to the Nation a beach clean-up was organised. A person was helped to break free from alcoholism through regular Legion contact that lasted two years. A mother with a special needs child was helped in caring for the child. In the Amazonian region of Acre three praesidia were set up.
Salvador Senatus: The Rosary is recited in several public squares. Legionaries are engaged in resolving family conflicts. Adults and children are prepared for reception of the Sacraments. In Araci a Triduum to St. Louis Marie de Montfort was organised. In Itabuna visits are made to homes and to commercial establishments. A weekly radio programme is presented by the Legion in Vitoria da Conquista. The Legion directs cenacle prayer meetings.
Santa Maria Senatus: The Comitium in the State capital, Porto Alegre, has 222 active members and 835 auxiliaries. Most praesidia in all Legion councils have over ten active members. Home visitation and visits of consolation are the main works.
São Luís Senatus: Legionaries are engaged in an apostolate to people lapsed from the Church, to families in difficult situations, to the sick, prisoners, prostitutes and drug addicts. Among results obtained were: 94 Baptisms, 54 Confirmations, and 118 First Holy Communions. 29 active members and 16 auxiliaries were recruited.
São Paulo Senatus: Thousands of legionaries from all over Brazil took part in the Annual Legion Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, Patroness of Brazil, in June. This year marks the tercentenary of the discovery of the statue of Nossa Senhora Aparecida. A Regia in Campo Grande reported 4,673 visits to families. Enthronement of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary took place in 32 families. Children, young people and adults are prepared for the Sacraments. Legionaries coordinate a monthly get-together for the elderly. Two senior and two junior praesidia were set up.
Brasilia Regia: The importance of home visitation was evident with 23 children in a Curia area found without Baptism and in another area 109 children were evangelised. Catechesis is given to young adults in preparation for the Sacraments.
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